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Picture 1: Grading & Splitting Flock till 22nd Week Reaching the Peak Egg Production on time, sustaining Peak for 9 Weeks, Post Peak Egg production and to get highest Hatchability during Peak & maintaining optimum hatchability post peak are the critical task for any breeder farmer to optimize the operations & associated profitability. Among all the factors that can influence the breeder performance including hatchability, the m [...]


Dr. Srikanth Vallabhaneni, M.V.Sc. Scholar (Department of Livestock Production Management), College of Veterinary Science, Tirupati, Sri Venkateshwara Veterinary University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh, India- 517502. Corresponding Author: @+917989487841            ABSTRACT:             Infectious laryngotracheit [...]


INTRODUCTION Poultry industry is one of the country’s rapidly developing sectors and contributes its great share to the country’s economy, however, the production is hampered by several disease conditions. The consequence of globalization, climate change and rapidly expanding poultry population results in the emergence of several diseases of major public health concern. (Gowthaman et al., 2020). Avian infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) [...]

Infectious Coryza in poultry: A mini-review

Dr. Uddab Poudel Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology, Agriculture and Forestry University (AFU), Rampur, 44209, Nepal Abstract: Infectious coryza, which is one of the major problematic respiratory disease of poultry is caused by a well differentiated gram negative, potentially pathogenic bacterium; Avibacterium paragallinarum, and characterized by nasal discharge, sneezing, and facial swelling with the complex cl [...]


  Lameness is a problem in commercial chicken, both Broiler & Layer and poultry producers & farmers are clueless about its reason and control. Today’s chicken has huge genetic potential and are meant for fast growth in broiler and almost one egg every day. The major constraints of poultry productions today are Awareness about the Need of today’s Chicken to reach Genetic Potential Targeted Production, Feed Raw material Co [...]

सबै घ्यारघ्यार सि.आर.डि. (C.R.D) होइनन

सबै घ्यारघ्यार सि.आर.डि. (C.R.D) होइनन कुखुरा पालन ब्यवसायमा घ्यारघ्यारको समस्या अहिले प्रमुख रोगको रुपमा देखिन्छ। कुखुराले घ्यारघ्यार गर्ने बितिकै सि आर डि (C.R.D) अर्थात क्रोनिक रेस्पीरेटरी डिजिज भनी ट्यामुलिन र ट्यामुटिन जस्ता एन्टिबायोटिक प्र्योग गर्ने प्रचलन आम नेपाली किसानगरुमा रहेको पाइन्छ। वास्तवमा भन्दा घ्यारघ्यार कुनै बिशेष रोग नभइ बिभिन्न रोगहरुको साझा लक्ष्यण हो। ब्याकटेरिया, भाईरस, ढुसी र अनुपयुक्त तापक्रर्म भेन्टिलेसनको कारण् [...]

उमेर अनुसार प्यारेन्ट (व्रिडर) फार्ममा गर्नपर्ने महत्वपूर्ण व्यवस्थापकीय कामहरु

प्यारेन्ट कुखुरा व्यवस्थापनको हकमा विश्वभर अख्तियार गरिने आम रणनीति भनेको २१ हप्ता उमेर भएपछि पहिलो प्रकाश उत्तेजना गराउने र २५ हप्ता उमेरमा ५ प्रतिशत उत्पादन प्राप्त गर्ने हो। किनभने, यसले गर्दा छिट्टै उचित आकारको अण्डा उत्पादन लिन, उचित संख्यामा चल्ला उत्पादन लिन र गुणस्तरीय चल्ला उत्पादन प्राप्त गर्न महत्वपूर्ण आधारको काम गर्दछ। तथापि, विश्वभर ठाउँ अनुसार स्थानीय वातावरण र अवस्थालाई सम्बोधन गर्न केहि विविध प्रकारका व्यवस्थापकीय रणनीति प [...]

पोल्ट्री रोग निदानको विज्ञान तथा कलाः दक्ष भेटेरिनरीयनको भूमिका

पोल्ट्री रोग निदानको विज्ञान तथा कलाः दक्ष भेटेरिनरीयनको भूमिका डा. विवेक बन्धु रेग्मी, पोल्ट्री कंशलटेंशी एण्ड डायग्नोष्टिक ल्याब, दाङ डा. नवराज श्रेष्ठ, केन्द्रिय भेटेरिनरी प्रयोगशाला, काठमान्डौ    रोगलाई अलि व्यापक सन्दर्भमा व्याख्या गर्दा स्वास्थ्यको दृष्टिकोणबाट सामान्य अवस्थामा नरहेको भन्ने बुझिन्छ। रोगलाई मूलत दुई किसिममा वर्गीकरण गर्न सकिन्छ। संक्रामक रोगः जस्तै जीवाणु, विषाणु, माइकोप्लाज्मा [...]

The moment you have all been waiting for...!! (The Winners)

The moment you have all been waiting for...!! (The Winners) The winners of the Vet Nepal Article writing competition are: Vet Nepal, a global vet service portal from Nepal cordially invites all enthusiastic Veterinarians, Veterinary Students and related stakeholder for submission of research article, review article, case study and short communication related to i [...]


Force molting is a practice that has been used by the commercial egg industry to rejuvenate flocks for extending laying cycle and restoration of egg quality. The main objective of force molting is to cease egg production of hens and that they enter a non-reproductive state. There are several force molting methods. Feed withdrawal has been widely used in recent years due to its easy application, economic benefits and agreeable post-molt perform [...]

Impact of heat stress on poultry

Impact of heat stress on poultry Authors: Damien Blondeau & Kurt Van de Mierop Nutrex NV, Belgium For More Information Please go through this  Stress is a method adopted by the body to cope with any challenge. Birds in particular are very sensitive to environmental challenges such as high ambient temperatures which cause heat stress. In poultry, heat stress has undesirable effects on gut health, [...]

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