About Us
"Trusted Resources for Technology and Services"
This is our immense pleasure to convey our warm regards to you. We, hereby, very delightful to kindly inform you that Vet Nepal is a Service Portal (www.vetnepal.com) from Nepal. We are highly dedicated to provide competent information and services in related discipline with our motto ‘We support Each Other and Work Together to achieve our objectives’.
Vet Nepal is a product of Vet Nepal Pvt. Ltd. developed and maintained by Qualified Professionals, IT and Management Team working in Nepal and Aboard. We are integrated with renowned services provided for an ultimate solution for Global Purchasing in the field of Scientific, Medical, Agriculture, Veterinary and Information Technology with high standard quality and satisfaction of the customer.
VET Nepal will mainly focus on the information sharing. We will regularly update the national and international information regarding the Livestock and Veterinary through our website. Our motive is to aware you the national issues and international innovations and happenings. Also, we have two way communication system, so that you can easily share your queries and information in this platform.
We also claim that the website is one and only thing that can cover the new horizon in an e-platform. So, being part of our website is more about to promote your expertise, organization and the prestige of the sponsor including the financial support. Thus, we would like to kindly offer you this awesome platform to promote your business and the organization on www.vetnepal.com. It is very easy, economical and efficient.
Thanking you and looking forward for exciting year ahead with you and we would be very grateful for your encouragement and support. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any feedback or for the further information.
"We support each other and work together to achieve our objectives"
Vet Nepal Team

(Chairman/Managing Director)

(Coordinator/Director MarComm)

(Resource Coordinator)