Expert Rosters
Dr. Tahseen Aziz
Veterinary Pathologist and Diagnostician (Avian)
Address: Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Speciality: Veterinary Pathology, Diagnosis and Poultry Medicine
Email Address:
Telephone No.: (919) 733-3986
Veterinary Pathologist and Diagnostician (Avian)
Rollins Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
North Carolina Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory System
North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Raleigh, NC
(919) 733-3986
Dr. Aziz is highly regarded internationally for his expertise in the field of avian pathology and diagnosis of poultry diseases. He is an author of the two books "Avian Histopathology" and "Gross Pathology of Avian Diseases: Text and Atlas"