Nobel Livestock Production & Research Center commonly abbreviated as NLPRC is a reputed farm house in Western Nepal which is mainly concerned with the production and sales of free range local organic chickens. NLPRC had been entertaining the taste of people in and around the Bardaghat Municipality, Nawalparasi with the delicious local Sakini and Bare-necked chicken and organic local eggs since inception in 2066 BS.
During inception, the farm house business was financed by reputed Agricultural Development Bank, Bardaghat Branch. Continuing with its untiring high quality free range local chicken and egg production, NLPRC got chance to collaborate with prestigious Nepal Government's "Department of Livestock Market Promotion" in a "Rural Hatchery Project" for the production and sales of day-old-chicks of local breed in 2073 BS.
In order to meet the increasing demand of our satisfied and loving customers i.e hotels, restaurants, traders, households and individuals; NLPRC expanded its farm house in Dang in the year 2074 BS. With increased working area, keeping in mind the demand from its client, NLPRC is now producing Black Meat Chicken - The Kadaknath and Turkey. The famous Dang's Caponized Chicken is yet another hot product of NLPRC. The chickens are caponized by indigenous local experts of Tharu community.
The products raised and produced in NLPRC are always organic, hygienic and healthy. The company's production activities runs under constant supervision of registered veterinarians who are 24-7 careful about the birds health, nutrition, management as well as always concerned that the birds are fed no hormones, antibiotics and anti-coccidials (except during treatment of particular cases in isolation).